(07) 3348 3088

Your Brisbane Bayside Accounting Specialists

Servicing Wynnum, Manly, Wynnum West, Manly West and the greater Brisbane region…

With the help of 1st Stop Professional Services’ team you’ll draw on the expertise of people who understand all aspects of your business and accounting systems and have the backing of qualified accounting staff overseeing all work performed.

1st Stop Professional Services can assist you in all areas of accounting software installation and training, payroll, general administration, and data entry. Our role as a professional accounting service is to provide a high quality, cost effective service.

Let us help you keep the tax man happy.

Our Mission Statement


To provide quality, accurate, timely financial information and services to our clients in a helpful pleasant manner.


Our business aims to save small businesses time by providing a range of services to support you with your accounts. Our staff are available to take support calls at any time and can provide installation and training to suit your requirements. All work can be completed in our office and restored to your computer. Our staff can provide support with EXCEL, MYOB, Intuit, Reckon Accounts, Xero, Saasu and General Office Administration. Our client range is extensive and most of our referrals come directly from a large pool of satisfied clients.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation